I won't ever pretend every day is great as a small business owner. I have many moments where I feel like I'm killing it. Where I can't imagine doing anything else. Then I have the moments where I wonder if I did the right thing. It's the bad moments that tend to linger in my head. When these moments happen, I really have to check my inner dialog and make sure that I'm being kind to myself. One of the smarter things I did when starting my own business was to reach out to other small business owners, some even specifically dog walking/pet sitting business. I talk the bad moments out with them and I get the emphatic nod that they know exactly what I'm thinking.
I'm not sure every business owner has the luxury of befriending other businesses in the same industry. After all, they're the "competition", right? Luckily, with dog walking and pet sitting, there are enough pets that need our services, there's no need to view the other businesses as competition. You might as well make it a collaborative experience. I imagine not all industries have that luxury. When I went on vacation, I reached out to other dog walkers and pet sitters to see if they were willing to cover my clients while I was gone. I was able to go on vacation knowing that I didn't leave a single client hanging. They were psyched because they made a bit of extra money. I'd be happy to do it in return. There is a risk that the client likes them better and goes with them. Then shame on me for not being the best and setting myself apart enough. Plus, I feel better knowing that my clients have fall back options they can reach out to, in case I am not available. It is still my goal to be the #1 choice. And if I'm not, then I need to work on that. Or accept the fact that my strengths may not always align with my clients' and another business' might. So far, I haven't lost a client to another business. And most clients were very happy that I made the effort to find them coverage while I was gone.
Not all of the 4-leggeds are always happy to see me as Baby is clearly not holding back expressing. I gotta know that she still appreciates me coming by and feeding her and giving her water, even when she bypasses the pets and cuddles. The owner is appreciative as well. I sent her the video in the report and she said she had tears of laughter when she saw it. Baby is a 19-year old kitty and can be cranky sometimes. It was Baby being Baby and the owner loved it. I have to see these moments for what they are and laugh at those and not take it personally.
It's these less than stellar moments that make me a bit nervous for 2025. I'd like to think it's a healthy nervousness. All things worth doing should probably make one at least a little nervous. It looks like I'm going to be hiring. My business coach says that things will happen and there will be times I'm going to want to strangle people and myself. It's probably going to be a year where I am forced to look in the mirror and admit that I didn't do everything perfect that day or I wasn't as nice as I could've been, to myself or to others. There will be days where I feel like Baby and I just want to be left alone and I may have the claws out.
So far, 2025 is starting off.....slow. Which is to be expected and totally fine and welcomed.. I need the rest. December 2024 was crazy busy. I'm not exactly sure how I got through it. Now people are hungover from the holidays and they just want to lounge at home and snuggle with their four-leggeds. It gives me a chance to be more productive behind the laptop, look at spreadsheets, post to my socials, write thoughts down on how I can set myself apart. Reflect on what I need to double-down on and what I can do better. I am so excited for 2025 and I'm bracing myself at the same time. Because sometimes looking in the mirror makes me want to turn around and make an appointment to get some filler injected.